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All Categories  > Storage & Memory  > Storage Media  > CD Media >  Primera TuffCoat Plus - CD-R x 100 - 700 MB - storage media
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Primera TuffCoat Plus - CD-R x 100 - 700 MB - storage media
100 disc spindle, 700MB, 48x maximum recording speed, white hub-printable surface. Don't take chances with your valuable data. Use Primera's new TuffCoat Plus CD-R Media. The optimized print surface is exclusive to Primera and was developed specifically for use on Primera's inkjet printers and laminators. A completely sealed inner and outer edge virtually eliminates oxidation, thus preserving data far longer than budget-priced media. New TuffCoat Plus CD-R Media offers the fastest recording speeds, highest print quality and lowest reject rates.
Sku: M63362
Price: $48.00

Part Number 53378
SKU M63362
UNSPSC Code 43202001
Returnable Yes
Usually Ships Next Day
Billable Weight 5   Lb
Quantity in Stock Call  


Main Specifications
Designed For BravoPro AutoPrinter; Signature Z6; Primera Bravo II AutoPrinter, SE AutoPrinter, SE3 AutoPrinter
Package Type Spindle
Features Printable surface
Write Speed 48x (max)
Recording Time 80min
Native Capacity 700 MB
Color White
Media Included Qty 100
Type Storage media - CD-R
Product Description Primera TuffCoat Plus - CD-R x 100 - 700 MB - storage media
Extended Specifications
  Type CD-R
  Media Included Qty 100
  Max. Write Speed 48x
  Color White
  Native Capacity 700 MB
  Recording Time 80min
  Features Printable surface
  Package Type Spindle
Compatibility Information
  Designed For Primera BravoPro AutoPrinter ¦ Primera Signature Z6 ¦ Primera Bravo II AutoPrinter, SE AutoPrinter, SE3 AutoPrinter

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